What do young people think about vaping?
Please share your experience.
Let's talk about tobacco and vaping.

UCSF Teens, Nicotine, and Tobacco Study: Young People's Beliefs and Behaviors Related to Tobacco and Marijuana Products

June 2024 

A focus group study of California teenagers (12-17 years) and young adults (18-20 years) about their experiences related to tobacco, vaping and cannabis products.


What is the purpose of this study?

The purpose of this study is to assess young peoples' knowledge, perceptions, and behaviors related to tobacco and cannabis (marijuana) products and learn about trends and changing terminology used by young people to describe such products. Findings from this study will be used to help the planning and development of the Teens, Nicotine, and Tobacco Survey (TNT Survey), a statewide survey used to assess tobacco-related perceptions and behaviors among California teens and young adults. This study is funded by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH).

Why is this study being done?

Findings from this study will be used to help the planning and development of the Teens, Nicotine, and Tobacco Survey (TNT Survey). Additionally, this study will help inform communication strategies aimed at reducing the burden of tobacco use among youth and young adults. 

What does participation involve?

Those who enroll in the study will participate in a focus group discussion with 4-12 young people lead by one or two UCSF study researchers by video conference (using Zoom). The discussion will take 60-90 minutes in total. Being in the study does not mean you or your child uses tobacco and cannabis (marijuana) products. However, in the group discussion, participants may be asked what tobacco and cannabis (marijuana) products, if any,  they use or have ever tried and what they know and think about these products. UCSF researchers may also show images of products and ask participants to describe what they see. If participants (and their parents if under 18 years) agree, a digital audio recording will be made of this focus group discussion. After the focus group, someone will type into a computer a written record of what was said on the recording but will remove all names and contact information.

What will participants receive?

Participants will receive a $100 gift code as a thank you for their time and participation.

Who can join?

Teens (12-17 years) and young adults (18-20 years) may be able to join if they have parent/guardian consent (if under 18 years) to participate and agree to participate themselves.

How to sign up to participate?

If you are interested in participating and are under 18 years of age, your parent will first need to provide permission. Please share this link (URL: https://redcap.ucsf.edu/surveys/?s=FYDWY4XDFX4MPW7T) with your parent or guardian for them to agree for you to take part. Once they complete the consent form, you will be sent a link to sign up.

If you are 18 years (or older), please click here to see if you are eligible and sign up to participate!


*Photos by Elliot Reyna (5 Teens), Alexis Brown (3 Teens), and Zachary Tan (Vaper) on Unsplash